
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Cupcakes

The kids are having a Halloween party at school today and I am in charge of bringing cupcakes.  Here they are.  I hope the kids don't get too much of a sugar rush.  :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Decorations

Here are some of our decorations

Halloween Cauldron Cake

I am so excited about Halloween.  I have decorated the house, made costumes and now I have made a cake to take to the school for the silent auction.  I saw an awesome cake on that was made by mari1995.  I used her cake as my inspiration,  this is my version.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Love Cake

Cake, I absolutely love cake.  I watch cake shows on TV, I read cake books, I follow cake blogs, I look at cake pictures on the Internet.  I love all things cake. Here are a few of the cakes that I have made and decorated.

My husband loves to challenge me, he comes up with things for me to do and then waits to see what I come up with and if it meets his expectation.  This is fun for us, he loves to give the challenge and I love to beat his challenge into the ground.

My husband works for P.F. Changs and they have a management cookout each year.  My hubby decided I should make a P.F. Changs cake.  It could be whatever I decided but it had to do with Changs.

Here is what I made